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What should I know about the Corona virus and what should it do with the body ?

What should I know about the Corona virus and what should it do with the body ?

After the Coruna virus has infected tens of thousands of people around the world, we still know very little about this highly contagious virus

The outbreak of this influenza-like illness, now known internationally as Covid-19, first appeared among a group of pneumonia in Chinese Wuhan in late December 2019 and then moved to Europe and the Americas and the infection spread very quickly to them

The latest studies have found that the risk of this virus is that the infection is transmitted to others even before symptoms of the disease appear, and it has been about 5 days before signs such as high temperatures, coughing and diarrhea appear

Studies have shown that this new strain (Corona virus) destroys the human body, which explains why older people and individuals with existing health conditions such as weakened immunity are at risk of death, and experts say that the virus can live within the respiratory system for at least 5 months

This global epidemic has been spread to travel bans in many countries, border closures, schools and museums in a very large number of places around the world, especially in Italy, which has put its 60 million people in quarantine historically unprecedented.

So far, researchers around the world are still studying how the virus attacks the body, how it can be treated and whether there are long-term effects, amid radical measures to limit the spread of Covid-19, and doctors in China, specifically in Wuhan and the surrounding Hubei Province, which was the starting point for the emergence of The virus has spread to many quarters about how the virus can attack the body

This disease is infected by infection with the virus of tissues and air passages deep inside the lungs, and its initial symptoms are similar to the regular flu, which includes fever, dry cough, general body fatigue and shortness of breath

Some people suffer from the virus from muscle pain, runny nose or diarrhea and inflammation in the throat, and the disease can develop into pneumonia and respiratory failure in severe cases, where at that time the patient may develop to the last stage, which is acute respiratory distress syndrome and die. The Internet, CT scans of the lungs of corona virus patients' lungs with white patches indicate frosted glass (ground glass opacity) or fluids (fluids), which become denser over time, and are similar to those who have contracted SARS or MRE

The British Ministry of Health says on its website that typical symptoms of the Corona virus include fever and cough that may develop into severe pneumonia that causes shortness of breath and breathing difficulties, and the virus can cause more severe symptoms in people with other health problems such as those who suffer The weakened immune system and the elderly, who suffer from long-term conditions such as diabetes, cancer and chronic lung diseases

As for the disease’s ability to kill heads of British health, most people who contract the virus will have only mild symptoms. For the WHO, about 80% of patients recover without the need for specialist treatment. Almost one in every six suffers from a serious condition and breathing difficulties, and the most vulnerable people are the elderly with other health problems such as diabetes and heart disease

And on how the virus spreads, experts around the world are still investigating how the virus spreads, but they believe it is often spread by sneezing or coughing spray from an infected person, and what can enter by touching the face from the mouth, nose or eyes, and then Human virus molecules invade and multiply, causing the infection to develop and spread in the body. Once in the lungs, the virus can cause serious damage and the patient becomes threatened with death, as the lungs can be filled with dead fluids and cells, which impedes their supply of oxygen in the blood and the removal of carbon dioxide 

Health officials said the danger of this virus is that it can live on hard surfaces such as plastic, wood, or otherwise for up to 72 hours and live on soft surfaces for 24 hours

As for how to treat this virus, there is no specific treatment for it yet and the matter has been established, at least before the appropriate treatment was proposed for public use, with regard to health organizations that antibiotics do not help in the treatment of this virus, and stresses that the disease caused by Corona needs To measures to relieve symptoms while fighting the body, as well as to survive in isolation, away from others until he recovers

In the end, we wish all human beings around the world to enjoy health and happiness and to surpass all that ordeal and that God reveals this sorrow for us and take care of us with his mercy and manages the matter for us and fixes the matter for us and the future becomes bright and we win over this brute enemy and we invite all who read this article to enjoy for everyone safety 


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